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Customer Testimonials

As someone deeply involved in the Catholic community, I have found the Official Catholic Directory to be an invaluable resource. It provides an unparalleled level of detail and accuracy about parishes, dioceses, and Catholic institutions across the country. Whether I need to connect with specific ministries, locate contact information, or gather key data for projects, the OCD is always my go-to. Its comprehensive and well-organized structure allows for quick access to critical information, which is essential for anyone working within or supporting the Church. It's more than just a directory—it's a trusted tool that helps foster stronger connections and enhances collaboration within the Catholic network.

Melissa Ortega Smith, Assistant to the Chancellor, Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland


Our copy of The Official Catholic Directory is placed in a central location of our Church Office since it is needed by all our Staff. It is an invaluable resource for assisting our parishioners in obtaining Sacramental records and locations of former parishes. Further, The structure and organization of the Directory makes it easy to identify which Diocese a parish falls under. Showing that we are recognized under the USCCB/IRS Group Ruling, The Official Catholic Directory enables us to apply for grants and other funding opportunities. As Pastor, I am frequently asked by people the current assignment of a priest they have known from the past. I am so happy, and so are they, when I can provide them with their requested information. Having the data presented in multiple formats allows me to search and find what I need quickly.

Very Reverend Timothy LaBo, PhD, VF, Resurrection Catholic Church and School, Lakeland, FL


The Official Catholic Directory is the indispensable source for information about people, parishes, agencies and institutions in the Church of the United States. The OCD staff is consistently professional, courteous and patient as they assemble this important and complex volume. Not only every chancery office, but seminaries, schools, and parishes will find the OCD a reliable annual resource.

Fr. Bob O'Grady, Special Assistant to the President of Pilot Catholic Media, Archdiocese of Boston


The Archdiocese of Atlanta has a long history of involvement with the Official Catholic Directory. The changes that have been made to streamline the process of reporting over the past several years have been incredibly helpful in allowing us to get the most current information from our archdiocesan entities in a much more efficient and accurate way. We have also been very pleased with the support that has come from the support team at the OCD.

The ability to have electronic access to the information about our Archdiocese, once the data has been compiled, has made a significant difference in the number of people who are accessing and using the provided information. Multiple departments in our Pastoral Center continue to rely on the printed version for the wealth of information available about other (arch)diocese throughout the United States.

Deacon Dennis Dorner, Chancellor and Director of Permanent Diaconate, Archdiocese of Atlanta


The Official Catholic Directory is a key resource for both data and contact information for the Church in the United States for CARA’s research needs. CARA has collaborated with OCD over the years to ensure the most accurate statistics and to provide maps for the dioceses of the United States. The Directory enables CARA to keep on top of parish openings and closures, contacts within diocesan offices, and a listing of religious institutes of women and men. It is the “go to” reference for documenting the growth and evolution of the Church over the decades.

Rev. Thomas S. Gaunt, S.J. - Executive Director - CARA (Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate)


The Official Catholic Directory has been an extraordinary resource for us. When we are looking for detailed information on parishes, schools, priests and sisters or other Catholic dioceses across the United States, we turn to the Official Catholic Directory. To know that this wealth of information is at our fingertips is a feeling of great comfort not only for our diocese, but for our entities who choose this resource for their organization to be a part of.

Vicar General’s Office, Archdiocese of New York