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The #1 Resource on the Catholic Church in America for over 200 years



The primary purpose of The Official Catholic Directory (OCD) is to collect and publish the data on which the Catholic Church's non-profit status in the United States depends. While the tools of the trade have certainly changed over the last 200 years, our passion for serving the Catholic Church has not.

By ensuring Catholic institutions are recognized under the USCCB/IRS Group Ruling, The Official Catholic Directory safeguards access to millions of dollars in charitable grants, endowments, and funding streams—resources vital to the Church’s educational, social, and spiritual missions.

2024 Edition now available (2025 ships in august)

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The OCD Helps the Church


Facilitate donations to the Church by providing a consistently reliable source for donors or grantors to verify the tax exempt status of Catholic entities.


Foster collaboration by providing the tools for Clergy and lay people serving the church to locate and connect with colleagues and customers.


Furnish vital statistical data. Enable Church leaders to analyze and react to important statistical trends at the local, regional and national level.


Find any Catholic entity in the U.S. by type and location to confirm its tax-exempt status with the IRS. Better understand the organization and administration of the more than 56,000 entities currently serving the Catholic Church in the U.S.


Communicate with key staff among the more than 100,000 personnel assigned to Catholic entities and connect with them based on status (bishop, monsignor, priest, brother, sister, etc.) or role (pastor, teacher, business manager, head of school or religious order).


Uncover trends in the Catholic Church by researching over 11,000 diocesan data points including new parishes, priests, ordinations, baptisms, weddings, students, and teachers or utilize our 1- and 10-year comparisons to better understand how the Church is changing.




Locate and learn about more than 56,777 Catholic entities including…

210 Dioceses

16,993 Parishes

6,639 Schools, High Schools, Colleges, and Seminaries

5,593 Missions, Convents, and Monasteries

2,509 Hospitals, Med Centers, and Special Care Facilities

13,012 Diocesan Curia offices


Identify leadership and others serving the church...over 110,125 personnel assignments including...

62,019 Clergy

40,235 Priests

11,107 Religious Priests

21,784 Deacons

6,760 Brothers and Sisters

33,968 Lay Persons


Track and discover trends with over 100 Diocesan Statistics including…

Parish: Newly created parishes; parishes without resident pastor; closed parishes

Personnel: Diocesan and Religious Priests in Diocese; ordinations; retired priests, sick or absent

Sacramental: Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations and Marriages

Educational: FT Priest vs Lay Teachers; Parish, Diocesan, Private Schools; Total Students

Special Care: Hospitals; Homes for the Aged; Orphanages; Number Assisted Annually

Vital: Catholic Population vs. Total Population


Reach out to colleagues, leadership, or support staff at Catholic entities by role...

45+ Person/title types including Priest/Reverend, Deacon, Brother, Sister, Friar, Laity, and more...

60+ Position/role types including Pastor, Business Manager, Principal, Prioress, Liturgy Director, Parish Life Coordinator, Director of Religious Education, Treasurer, and more…

6,000+ Entity-level notes providing additional information about the relationship to other Catholic entities, properties owned, merger data, purpose, and more…

114,000+ Points of Contact: phone numbers, email addresses, and websites

41,000+ Addresses (Physical and Mailing)


"...I have found the Official Catholic Directory to be an invaluable resource. It provides an unparalleled level of detail and accuracy..."

See what customers are saying about the OCD

The Official Catholic Directory… provides an unparalleled
level of detail and accuracy about parishes, dioceses, and Catholic
institutions... Its comprehensive and well-organized structure allows for quick
access to critical information... It's more than just a directory—it's a
trusted tool that helps foster stronger connections and enhances collaboration
within the Catholic network.

Melissa Ortega Smith, Assistant to the Chancellor, Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland

copy of The Official Catholic Directory is placed in a central location of our
Church Office since… it is an invaluable resource for assisting our
parishioners in obtaining Sacramental records and locations of former parishes…
Showing that we are recognized under the USCCB/IRS Group Ruling, The Official
Catholic Directory enables us to apply for grants and other funding

Very Reverend Timothy LaBo, PhD, VF, Resurrection Catholic Church and School, Lakeland, FL

The Official Catholic Directory is the indispensable source for information about people, parishes, agencies and institutions in the Church of the United States. The OCD staff is consistently professional, courteous and patient as they assemble this important and complex volume. Not only every chancery office, but seminaries, schools, and parishes will find the OCD a reliable annual resource.

Fr. Bob O'Grady, Special Assistant to the President of Pilot Catholic Media, Archdiocese of Boston

The changes that have been made to streamline the process of
reporting over the past several years have been incredibly helpful in allowing
us to get the most current information from our archdiocesan entities in a much
more efficient and accurate way. We have also been very pleased with the
support that has come from the support team at the OCD.

Deacon Dennis Dorner, Chancellor and Director of Permanent Diaconate, Archdiocese of Atlanta